In March 2017, the Upjohn Institute released the Panel Database on Incentives and Taxes (PDIT). This unique database was developed by Institute Senior Economist Tim Bartik and offers the most comprehensive information available to date on incentives to business for economic development provided by state and local governments in the United States.
Here is a brief guide to the various subpages, listed in the navigation to the side of this page, which help explain PDIT and provide access to findings from PDIT:
The Database page allows users to display or download the parts of the database they are interested in. Before allowing users to display or download information from the database, some background information is provided on the data and database and what the displayed or downloaded numbers mean.
The Maps page provides one chart and 10 maps that help summarize some of the main findings from examining this database. For example, these maps include various rankings of the states by the magnitude of incentives provided.
The Report page provides links to the report describing the database, and the appendices to that report. The report and appendices include information on how the database was derived, along with many tables and figures describing findings from the database. The introduction to the report lists the main conclusions from the database.
The Related Research page provides links to research related to PDIT. The includes the slides from a webinar about the report, and a copy of the webinar video.
The About page provides more information about Dr. Bartik, including contact information. In addition, the About Tab includes a copy of the original press release announcing the database and listing a few key findings.